Monday, October 28, 2013

Journal Entry Week 7

Fearless Females!

Today in class we watched a documentary called "Barbra Kopples, documentary on female journalists working in combat zones" which was an extremely exhilarating and intense experience. The documentary followed the lives of 5 fearless female journalists in combat, during the war that took place in Iraq after 9/11. The film went into great detail about what these journalists went through while trying to document stories for the public. They experienced terror, violence, near-death incidents and heartaches because of their job. Each and every journalist was putting their lives in danger in hopes to create a story and educate people on what was really going on in the Middle East. Watching this film put me personally in a dark place; without these Journalists risking there lives overseas we may not have known some of the terrible things that were going on during this war. They went out and found in-depth information, personal stories and terrifying truths about the war. Would we even know much about the war without journalists risking there lives for information during combat? This is the type of question that leaves people wondering. Maybe that is the key motive that pushes journalists to leave home pack up and put their personal lives aside. In conclusion, I think we ought to give credit to these courageous and heroic journalists who seek extremely important information out in hopes to inform people about what is really occurring around the world. 


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